The simplest way to train a KMeansModel on a fixed set of points is to use the KMeans.train method. This method is most similar in style to the one provided by the Spark 1.2.0 K-Means clusterer.
For dense data in a low dimension space using the squared Euclidean distance function, one may simply call KMeans.train with the data and the desired number of clusters:
val model : KMeansModel = KMeans.train(data: RDD[Vector], k: Int)
The full signature of the KMeans.train method is:
package com.massivedatascience.clusterer
object KMeans {
* Train a K-Means model using Lloyd's algorithm.
* @param data input data
* @param k number of clusters desired
* @param maxIterations maximum number of iterations of Lloyd's algorithm
* @param runs number of parallel clusterings to run
* @param mode initialization algorithm to use
* @param distanceFunctionNames the distance functions to use
* @param clustererName which k-means implementation to use
* @param embeddingNames sequence of embeddings to use, from lowest dimension to greatest
* @return K-Means model
def train(
data: RDD[Vector],
k: Int,
maxIterations: Int = KMeans.defaultMaxIterations,
runs: Int = KMeans.defaultNumRuns,
mode: String = KMeansSelector.K_MEANS_PARALLEL,
distanceFunctionNames: Seq[String] = Seq(BregmanPointOps.EUCLIDEAN),
clustererName: String = MultiKMeansClusterer.COLUMN_TRACKING,
embeddingNames: List[String] = List(Embedding.IDENTITY_EMBEDDING)): KMeansModel = ???
Many of these parameters will be familiar to anyone who is familiar with the Spark 1.1 clusterer.
Similar to the Spark clusterer, we support data provided as Vectors, a request for a number k of clusters desired, a limit maxIterations on the number of iterations of Lloyd's algorithm, and the number of parallel runs of the clusterer.
We also offer different initialization modes. But unlike the Spark clusterer, we do not support setting the number of initialization steps for the mode at this level of the interface.
The K-Means.train helper methods allows one to name a sequence of embeddings. Several embeddings are provided that may be constructed using the apply method of the companion object Embedding.
Different distance functions may be used for each embedding. There must be exactly one distance function per embedding provided.
Indeed, the KMeans.train helper translates the parameters into a call to the underlying KMeans.trainWeighted method.
package com.massivedatascience.clusterer
object KMeans {
* Train a K-Means model using Lloyd's algorithm on WeightedVectors
* @param data input data
* @param runConfig run configuration
* @param pointOps the distance functions to use
* @param initializer initialization algorithm to use
* @param embeddings sequence of embeddings to use, from lowest dimension to greatest
* @param clusterer which k-means implementation to use
* @return K-Means model
def trainWeighted(
runConfig: RunConfig,
data: RDD[WeightedVector],
initializer: KMeansSelector,
pointOps: Seq[BregmanPointOps],
embeddings: Seq[Embedding],
clusterer: MultiKMeansClusterer): KMeansModel = ???
The KMeans.trainWeighted method ultimately makes various calls to the underlying KMeans.simpleTrain method, which clusters the provided BregmanPoints using the provided BregmanPointOps and the provided KMeansSelector with the provided MultiKMeansClusterer.
package com.massivedatascience.clusterer
object KMeans {
* @param runConfig run configuration
* @param data input data
* @param pointOps the distance functions to use
* @param initializer initialization algorithm to use
* @param clusterer which k-means implementation to use
* @return K-Means model
def simpleTrain(
runConfig: RunConfig,
data: RDD[BregmanPoint],
pointOps: BregmanPointOps,
initializer: KMeansSelector,
clusterer: MultiKMeansClusterer): KMeansModel = ???